Put up the bunting, ignore the ironing or the washing up until tomorrow, and get your dabbers ready, because it’s the 27th of June, and that can only mean one thing…
National Bingo Day is here!
That’s right, the game of bingo gets all the attention today, as players around the UK plan their outfits for their evening at the bingo, or settle into their favourite spot on the sofa with their ipads and a steaming cup of tea at the ready, before logging onto their favourite bingo site.
What’s that? You’ve never heard of it!?
It’s still a relatively new occasion in the UK, so don’t give yourself a hard time if you have no idea what we are blathering on about, but now that you know it exists, stick it in your diary for next year too!
What is National Bingo Day?
A quick recap for anyone who hasn’t yet heard the good news.
Since 2021, the UK bingo industry has been celebrating National Bingo Day every year on June 27th.
It’s been going on longer in the USA, but we’ve been a little slow on the uptake over here.
It’s a day where we celebrate everything bingo, and most of the big online sites and the real world bingo halls get in on the action too.
You should hopefully find the bingo halls busier, perhaps with enhanced prizes or extra gifts being handed out, maybe even some entertainment; while the online sites might have special offers or promotions for the day and more players online.
So if you don’t already have plans (and if you do, what were you thinking!?) then have a look and see what your favourite site or local bingo hall is doing to mark the occasion.
We will certainly be playing tonight; we don’t generally need much of an excuse to have a game of bingo, but on National Bingo Day it would be rude not to!
Where do I Find the Best Places to Play?
National Bingo Day has its’ own website where you can search all of the online sites and brick and mortar bingo halls that are signed up to take part.
All the partaking brands and clubs will have their own plans in place.
To give you an idea, Mecca are doing half price tickets online, while running drinks promotions and a £5 for all your bingo offer in their Oldham club, as an example.
Cosmo Bingo are providing free food and selling tickets half price in their bingo halls, while Buzz in Ashton are offering free main event paper tickets if you turn up with a friend who has never been before, and they are dishing out free spins or a bingo bonus online.
And what a day to experience your first bingo session.
So the offers, promotions and celebrations will be different depending on where you go, but your best bet is using the National Bingo Day website to see who is participating near you, and then going from there.
Most if not all of the brick and mortar bingo halls will be taking part, and so will the bigger brand websites, it’s just the smaller sites that might be a bit hit and miss.
All true bingo fans will be playing a game or two today, so why not join them?